Ethic is a very important term for communication and human being in general. It represents some moral principles and rules. This is what helps people understand how they should act in different situations. However, sometimes, there are situations that can be called an “ethical dilemma”. It happens when a person does not know how to act in a particular situation or at least has some doubts about it.
I remember the time when I was a child and spend days with my friends. Childhood is a funny and careless period of people’s lives. One sunny and warm day, my friends and I decided to go for a walk to the park. We were roaming about the park with sad looks on our faces. The reason for that was that we wanted to buy new chewing gums. Unfortunately, we were too little to have our pocket money. Moreover, our parents tried to give us as little money as possible in order to prevent us from eating unhealthy food, which we definitely liked. Hence, nobody knew that all we really wanted were not the chewing gums themselves but the stickers which they contained. Since chewing gums are harmful for young teeth in some ways, my friends and I decided that we could not ask our parents for money to buy them. Therefore, we tried to create a plan how to earn money. We were discussing different ideas for about an hour while walking in the park. Suddenly, we found a dark brown little object in the centre of the park. We came a bit closer and understood that it was a purse. Obviously, we were a bit frightened to pick it up. We were staying there and trying to decide what we should do. Finally, one of my friends picked up the purse and looked inside of it. He told us that there was a great amount of money. At least, it was great for children. I understood that we should not take the money. However, I also doubted whether we should leave the purse with the money at the place where we had found it. Unexpectedly, Jeremy said that it was a perfect opportunity for us to buy the desirable chewing gums. I realized that the purse should be given back to its owner, but I did not know how to do that. Jeremy asked to not tell anybody about the purse, and I was afraid that he would be punished if I told somebody. So, we took some money and bought those chewing gums. I do not remember what was done with the rest of the money. This situation happened a lot of years ago, but now, I am an adult, and I know that if I find any purse or some other things, I will try to give them back to their owners. Surely, there are some ways to do it: for instance, to go to the police or to put an announcement about a find.
Ethical dilemma is an issue that many people often face. Obviously, the decision, which is made in such situations, tells a lot about a person and shows his or her character. Sure, adult people should and even must cope with their ethical dilemmas. The best way to deal with a confusing dilemma is to think objectively about what is good and what is bad, what is right, and what is wrong. In other words, when a person makes a decision, he or she must not forget about morality and norms of behavior. Moreover, it is important to analyze the possible consequences before making a decision.
The essay was written by the professional writer from college discussion board - Betty Bilton.